Define the requirements
The RS232 universal AV interface is able to control about all audio/video systems available on the market.
Example: A TELETASK client wants music in the kitchen, the living room and the bath room. He wants to be able to listen to the radio in the different rooms. In the living room and in the kitchen, he wants to listen to the DVD player and he also plans to buy a MP3 player with three streams (= up to three songs played at the same time).
The requirements of the user can be summarized in the table.
Based on the requirements of the user, the necessary audio components can be defined and brought into a configuration drawing. For the used example, the schematic drawing should be like in the figure above.
When you select the components which you want to integrate through IR with the domotics system, you need to take care about:
- The frequency can be between 36 – 38 KHz (most common) or 455 KHz.
When you select the components which you want to integrate through RS232, take care about:
- The serial communication of the devices should work on one of the following Baudrates = 9600 / 19200 / 38400 / 57600.
- The interface is always working with no parity, no handshaking, 8 data bits and 1 stop bit.
When you select the components which you want to integrate through IP, take care about:
- Socket based serial HEX or ASCII string
- No high level protocols (http, xml, json,…)
In our example the configuration drawing leads to the next set of audio components:
- 3 separate power amplifiers with each having their own internal tuner
- these amplifiers are used to be connected with the speakers in the living room, the kitchen and the bath room. The TELETASK RS232 universal AV interface will control the different sources and amplifiers. In every room it is possible to listen to any tuner frequency, independent from the other rooms.
- 1 x DVD player
- This one is external and is connected to the audio signal inputs of both power amplifiers, to be able to listen in the different rooms to the DVD player source.
- 1 x RS232 MP3 player with 3 streams
- This one is also an external audio source, to be connected to every power amplifier. These can contain a huge number of music tracks.
As soon as you have selected the necessary audio components, you can start setting up the configuration drawing.
It is absolutely necessary to take good care for the making of this drawing. This will become an important tool to obtain the final solution smoothly.
Optionally you can add the brand and type of the audio component to the drawing.
As soon as the audio configuration reaches its final version, half of the work is done.
Only with an excellent drawing in your hands, you can go for the next step.
This drawing is also necessary to guarantee the support of TELETASK support service.