TIMESOFT basics are explained in our training video below.
[+] 11 - TIMESOFT and Astro function
The different clock tables.
To adapt reoccurring actions to your life pattern there are five time tables which we call ‘clock tables’ available. Every clock table has its own typical use and can contain several TELETASK outputs or executable PROSOFT functions. In the remaining part of this chapter, these outputs and functions are called ‘clock actions’.
| The ‘Continuous’ clock table: This table is always active. All clock actions entered in this table will be executed at the defined time of the day without any exception. This ‘continuous’ clock table is particularly suitable for clock actions which are not depending of your possible presence in the house or day of the week. Typical application: every day 11pm, close all the curtains. |
The ‘Working day’ clock table: This clock table is only active (actions in it are processed) on the days which you have defined as working days. The working day clock table has an OR relation with the ‘weekend clock table and the ‘presence simulation’ clock table. If one is activated, the other two are always deactivated automatically. | |
The ‘Weekend’ clock table: This clock table is only active (actions in it are processed) on the days which you have defined as weekend days (not working days). The weekend-day clock table has an OR relation with the ‘working day’ clock table and the ‘presence simulation’ clock table. If one is activated, the other two are always deactivated automatically. | |
The ‘Presence simulation’ clock table: This clock table is only active (actions in it are processed) when the system is in presence simulation status. The presence simulation clock table has an OR relation with the ‘weekend clock table and the ‘working day’ clock tables. If one is activated, the other two are always deactivated automatically. | |
The 'Special' clock table: This clock table can be activated and deactivated when you want with any button or even with a clock action. When active, the clock actions in this table are executed and when not active, no actions are taken. |
Simply click the TIMESOFT icon in the PROSOFT Suite menu bar.
Every action which is added in one of the clock tables appears with a symbol on the weekly display of your PC (main TIMESOFT window) and it is also displayed in the table overview at the right of the TIMESOFT window. In some cases the clock actions can be numerous and therefore there are extra table selection buttons at the top of the main window. Use the selection buttons to get a good overview of the actions in the tables. A clock table is shown in the overview when the corresponding selection button is highlighted in orange.
When a selection button is not highlighted, the corresponding clock actions will not be displayed in the week display and the overview table. Although these actions are not displayed, they are still present in the clock table
In the clock action overview table it is very easy to see to which clock table to a certain clock action belongs due to the coloured square in front of the clock action.
Clock types:
| Click to visualize all clocks. Default selected when TIMESOFT is opened. |
| Click to only visualize all the clocks of a specified thermostat. |
| Click to only visualize all the ‘none thermostat’ clocks. |
Clock tables:
| Click to visualize the actions (for the shown week) in the 'continuous' clock table. Colour: Black |
| Visualization of the Work day clock table. Colour: Red |
| Visualization of the Weekend clock table. Colour: Blue |
| Visualization of the Presence Simulation. clock table Colour: Green |
| Visualization of the Special clock table. Colour: Yellow |