
TDS13621: DALI - DSI - DMX interface


The DALI / DSI / DMX interface is an output interface that can be used in DALI 2, DALI, DSI or DMX mode.
Depending on the mode you can configure up to 64 dimmers to this interface.

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DSI mode

DSI is a protocol with one master (the TDS13621) and up to 100 slaves (the ballasts). There is no addressing for the individual ballasts and all ballasts are always on the same dimming level.

So DSI is very well suited for large rooms, where a lot of lights need to be in the same state.

For the TELETASK system you can add only 1 Dimmer (but 100 ballasts) per TDS13620.

DMX mode

DMX is a protocol with one master (the TDS13621) and up to 512 channels (e.g the multicolour LED-strips). Each device on the DMX bus gets one or more addresses from 1 to 255 (for an RGB light this are 3 addresses, 1 for RED, 1 for GREEN and 1 for BLUE). The TDS13621 supports 64 slaves in the DMX address range 1-255.

If you add multiple dimmers you can select the dimmer to edit in the list on the left (‘1’). The properties of this dimmer are then shown on the right (‘2’).

DALI mode

DALI is a protocol with one master (the TDS13621) and up to 64 drivers. Each driver has an address from 0 to 63. The advantage of DALI is that the driver can send error information to the master e.g. Lamp defect, Power failure,…. This information is available from Diagnostics.

The drivers can be addressed (see chapter DALISOFT) individually (as a single driver) but DALI also supports up to 16 ‘Driver groups’. A driver group is a group of dimmers that you want to control simultaneously. For the TELETASK system a ‘driver group’ is a dimmer like any other. A driver that is assigned to a ‘driver group’ can’t be addressed individually by the TDS13621.

For Dali ballasts, the TDS13621 will read the minimum dim level from the ballast, and recalculate dimmer values (e.g. 50%) as for the TDS13609.

There are 500 outputs available on a DoIP central unit, if you have 64 ballasts which you want to control individually this are 64 outputs, if you control these 64 ballasts as 1 DALI group this is only 1 output for the TELETASK system.

There are some similarities between a DALI ‘ballast group’ and a TELETASK ‘local mood: They both set a group of outputs. But there are also some differences which will determine in which case a ‘ballast group’ will be used and in which case a ‘local mood’ is more appropriate.

  • You can add a dimmer to different ‘local moods’ but a DALI driver can only be assigned to 1 group.
  • A DALI ballast group can be dimmed simultaneously.

When a new Dimmer is added, the first available ballast is assigned to this dimmer.

You can change the ‘Single Ballast’ to a ‘Ballast group’ to add more ballast to the dimmer. The table with the ballasts has four columns:

  • A checkbox to show if the ballast is assigned to the current dimmer.
  • The DALI address for the ballast
  • The name for the ballast, you can enter a name for the ballast in this column.
Remark: Names for ballasts that are not assigned to a dimmer are not saved in the .nbt file.

  • The dimmer to which a ballast is assigned to (or empty if the ballast is not yet assigned to a dimmer).
Remark: ballast that are already assigned to the current dimmer are shown in top rows of the table.
REMARK: ballasts that are assigned to another dimmer than the dimmer that is currently edited will be shown at the bottom of the table. You can’t assign these ballasts to the current dimmer, if you would like to do this you need to unassigned them from the dimmer to which they are assigned.


Remark: Dali2 now supports Colour control (see the lamp specifications what is supported).

Tunable white

With tunable white you can change the kelvin (colour temperature) of a lamp value. The kelvin value is used to express the colour feeling of a light source (warm or cold).
You can enable tunable white by checking the 'Tunable white supported' checkbox.

Set default to human centric lighting
Indicates that the colour temperature is default controlled by the human centric lighting. This means that the human centric lighting will take back control of the colour temperature each time the lamp is turned off (when the colour temperature was manually overridden).


With RGB you can change the colour of lamp.
You can enable RGB by checking the 'RGB supported' checkbox.

Switch Language

TELETASK Technical handbook