
Did you know: use the ‘control’ category to visualize a FLAG status

Did you know that you can easily visualize the status of a FLAG? This feature may be useful during your .nbt debugging process or to provide specific feedback to end-users.

To facilitate this, a new 'CONTROL' category has been added (available in PROSOFT 4.0 and higher), specifically for use with the FLAG function in PROSOFT. This icon allows you to group functionalities together, similar to the existing options for LIGHT, DEVICE, MOTOR, and MOOD. Now, you also have the option to select 'CONTROL,' which appears exclusively in the FLAG function settings.

Visualizing a FLAG status can be particularly beneficial for monitoring it on ATMOS or TELETASK touch panels, or on touch screens like OPUS.

Remark: Remember to set the FLAG as read-only to prevent customers from changing it.

Table of contents:

Switch Language

Technical Handbook: