
Event logs (alarms)


Every event (alarm set, alarm clear, connection change) is logged in files on the Control Tower PC. The location of these files is C:\ProgramData\TELETASK\LOGS\Control Tower\XXXX\YY\ZZ.log
XXXX is the year (ex. 2020) YY is the month
Every day there is a new file generated (if there are events) ZZ.log, ZZ is de day number
So for events on 24 of January in 2020, you get a file: "C:\ProgramData\TELETASK\LOGS\ControlTower\2020\01\24.log"

This events log file will contain:

  • Trigger date and time
  • Type of alarm,
  • Who has cleared the alarm (operator or central unit)
  • The date and time when the alarm was cleared
  • The central unit on which the alarm occurred

The active alarms are visible in the Control Tower runtime in the ‘Active’ tab and the cleared alarms can be seen in the ‘History’ tab. The history list is a list of the last 1000 alarms. The alarms that have happened before, are stored in these log files on the computer.

The file is only created at the first event of the day, when there is no event there will be no file.

Detailed description

At every event, there are multiple lines added to the file. Here is an example:

# Installation = TESTUNIT (

# Activated on Friday, 24 January 2020 at 13:51
# Cleared on Friday, 24 January 2020 at 13:51 (Central unit)
l;1579870301969;1579870306959;1;TESTUNIT;ALARM 1 lijn 1;ALARM 1 lijn 2;

The first two or three lines are easy readable and start with a "#"
In the first line, you can find out where the event was generated (central unit name + IP address)
Next, you see when it was activated
And if it was already cleared also the date and time when it was cleared, in parentheses you see how its cleared:

  • Central Unit: when the alarm was cleared in the house (central unit)
  • operator: when the alarm was cleared by the operator of the control tower
  • system: only for an event like connection error, the restore automatically and can't be cleared

The last line is a CSV line and has these parts:

  1. type of line = 'l', always a logline
  2. Unix timestamp when the alarm was activated
  3. Unix timestamp when the alarm was cleared, is 0 when the alarm is active
  4. Cause that cleared the alarm (0= not cleared, 1=Central Unit,2=operator, 3=system)
  5. Central unit name
  6. Text of line 1 from the alarm
  7. Text of line 2 from the alarm

You can find an example of the file here: 24.log
Six events in the file on 24 January 2020:

  1. Control tower has lost connection with the central unit at 13:36
  2. Control tower restored the connection with the central unit couple of seconds later
  3. ALARM 1 at central unit 'TESTUNIT' active at 13:51
  4. ALARM 1 at central unit 'TESTUNIT' cleared in the central unit at 13:51
  5. ALARM 2 at central unit 'TESTUNIT' active at 13:51
  6. ALARM 2 at central unit 'TESTUNIT' cleared by the operator at 13:51

Switch Language

Technical Handbook: