Print your project
When you want to have a quick look at a certain function or setting in your home automation project, it is easy to have a paper version of your project in the electrical board, stored together with the other electrical drawings. In PROSOFT there is a print feature to create a paper version of your home automation project. Beside the general project settings as the filename, the settings from the installer and the house itself… You are able to print an extended resume from your project. The subjects you can print are settable and are divided in six groups:
- Print all information
- all available information will be printed.
- Print basic information
- All information concerning the Central Unit, the rooms, the Audio Zones, the Sensor zones, the O-interfaces list, the I-interfaces; the Relays outputs, the Dimmer outputs and the Motor outputs.
- Print functions
- Print all available functions.
- Print I-interfaces
- print the list of the I-interfaces + a detailed overview per I-interface.
- Print specific I-interface
- print the details of one or some of the chosen I-interfaces. (handy to update your file).
- Print adapted information
- choose which info you want to print.
- Click 'File' in the PROSOFT menu.
- Click 'Print'
- The 'Print .NBT File' window appears
- Select the data to be printed.
- Click 'OK'. Here you can change the printer on which you want to print the file.
Hierarchic List
The list you can print with the data of your domotic project, offers a good overview of the used and available outputs. The hierarchic list shows an overview of every relay, dimmer, motor, sensor, audio zone, flag, clocks, service functions and messages/alarm functions combined with the coupled relations.
Using the hierarchic list you can read that relay 1 is used in the local mood 'cooking' and that this relay is also switched by touching button 1 on the touch panel located in the kitchen.
Thanks to hierarchic list you can search what happens when an output is acting strange or not as you thought it would work. When you have found the problem in the hierarchic list you can easily solve it in PROSOFT Suite by changing the function.
In Practice
- The hierarchic list is made by clicking the short key
- Click this short key again to switch of the hierarchic list.