

The GUISOFT screen can be divided in three zones: the GUISOFT menu, the functions and symbols library and the GUI preview area.

The GUISOFT menu

Using the GUISOFT specific menu you create a new GUI, select the GUI you want to change, change the GUI properties of the selected GUI or delete the selected GUI.

It is possible to create more than one GUI for one '.nbt' project. This is typically done when you want to control your domotic functions from several target devices with different specifications (other resolution, other location in the house etc.).

When you want to create a new GUI, click the 'New GUI' button in the GUISOFT menu. The GUI properties start-up window for the new GUI will appear on the screen.

Select GUI
When you have more than one GUI created in a project you have to select the correct GUI before editing anything at the GUI. In the 'Select GUI' drop down list you can select the GUI you want to edit.
GUI properties
To change the properties of the selected GUI, click the GUI properties window. The GUI properties window will appear on the screen in which you can change different setting as the GUI name, type of communication etc.
Delete GUI
Clicking this button the selected GUI will be deleted. Before deleting it definitely a remark will appear on the screen asking for your confirmation.
The GUISOFT menu remains equal, independent to the GUI/GUI+/iSGUI you are working in.

The functions and symbols library

The functions library

Using the functions library you can browse in the different domotic functions which you have made earlier in the PROSOFT session of the .NBT project.

The symbols library

Using the symbols library you can choose a GUI icon to drop on the GUI preview.

The GUI Preview

In the GUI preview (permanent displayed on your PC screen) you can partly see your GUI as it will look like in daily use. The areas where fixed items of the GUI will be placed are shaded. You can’t position anything else in these areas.
Depending on the resolution/skin of the screen a limited number of page buttons are displayed. Choose the page in which you want to work, just like you would do when controlling the GUI. At the left side of the preview area the different icons as known in PROSOFT are displayed. Clicking on these buttons shows the corresponding functions dropped on the page. The different icons are:

displays only the dropped lights of the selected page.
displays only the dropped devices of the selected page.
displays only the dropped moods of the selected page
displays only the dropped motors (curtains, shutters, gates etc) of the selected page.
displays only the dropped sensor functions of the current page
displays only the dropped audio zone in the current page
Camera's and URL pages
displays only the dropped camera and URL functionalities of the current page
displays all the dropped functions of the current page

Switch Language

TELETASK Technical handbook