
How to Upgrade a G1 or G2 central unit to a G3 central unit

Upgrade A TELETASK G1 Or G2 Central Unit To A G3 Central Unit 00

Discover the step-by-step process for upgrading from G1/G2 to the next-generation central units DOMUS and PALAS, outlined comprehensively in this article.

Before you start

In the initial phase of the upgrade process, particularly when transitioning from a MICROS(+) central unit, determining necessary hardware (TDS) components is essential. Utilize PROSOFT 4 for streamlined and efficient identification, thanks to its specialized features.

There are two possible situations:

  • MICROS(+) to DOMUS or PALAS.

Below, you'll find a step-by-step migration process for both scenarios.

Some important remarks before you start the G2 to G3 upgrade:

  • Some older interfaces like the SERVUS touch screen, are not supported by G3 central units. However, they can most often be replaced by a newer generation of touch panels or touch screens. In the case of SERVUS, this most often will be the OPUS touch screen.
  • In all MICROS(+) cases, first install the latest PROSOFT 4 version (not PROSOFT 5!)
  • You don't have to start from scratch in PROSOFT. Begin with your current NBT file and upgrade it to reflect the new setup. This step is crucial as it determines the components needed before altering your distribution board.

1. How to upgrade from NANOS to PALAS, or from PICOS to DOMUS

If your old central unit is a NANOS (TDS10200) or PICOS (TDS10009), the G2 to G3 migration is very easy. You can swap the old central unit with a new PALAS (TDS10300) or DOMUS (TDS10309) central unit. In addition to the hardware modification, simply open your old NBT file in the latest version of PROSOFT4 and transfer it to your new central unit.

For guidance on migrating installed licenses, refer to the 'licenses' section below.

2. How to upgrade from MICROS(+) to DOMUS or PALAS

If you're looking to upgrade from the 'old' MICROS (TDS10010) or MICROS+ (TDS10012) to the latest G3 central units, there are important factors to consider. Below, we outline key considerations for your upgrade.

2.1. Convert your MICROS(+) NBT file

If you want to upgrade from a MICROS (G1), you first must convert your old NBT file to the 2.80 PROSOFT. This is because PROSOFT 4.0 cannot read files from any PROSOFT version prior to 2.80. When you open your file in PROSOFT 4.0, it is automatically converted to a 'MICROS+' file.

From this point onward, the instructions remain the same for upgrades originating from both MICROS and MICROS+ central units.

The next step involves determining the necessary hardware TDS products for your MICROS(+) conversion, accomplished through PROSOFT 4.0.

  • Navigate to the 'Extra/Central Units' menu and locate the 'Convert to G3' button (as indicated by the two red arrows in the screenshot below).

  • Remark: if your installation includes multiple central units (multiple MICROS+), you'll need to perform this process separately for each selected central unit.

Upgrade A G1 Or G2 Central Unit To A G3 Central Unit 0 1

PROSOFT will check first whether it is possible to convert the file to a DOMUS unit. If your file is small enough to convert, you will be asked if you want to convert it to a DOMUS or a PALAS. Otherwise, the file is immediately converted to a PALAS NBT file.

Upgrade A G1 Or G2 Central Unit To A G3 Central Unit 02

Therefore, if the file is suitable for conversion to DOMUS, you'll be presented with the option to choose between DOMUS or PALAS. If you opt for DOMUS, ensure that all your interfaces are on BUS1, as DOMUS supports only one BUS.

2.2. Cleanup your NBT file

There are two different scenarios: you either upgrade to a DOMUS or to a PALAS central unit.

2.2.1 Cleanup instructions in case you have a DOMUS file

After your file is converted, you can conveniently verify in PROSOFT the necessary TDS hardware, though it's advisable to assess if any cleanup is feasible beforehand. Hence, understanding the conversion process could be beneficial.

A. Outputs converted to DOMUS:

  • The first 16 internal relays of the MICROS+ are moved to the 16 internal relays of the DOMUS.
  • All other relays are converted to a maximum of 3x TDS13510 on (AUTOBUS1).
  • The first 4 internal dimmers of the MICROS+ are moved to the 4 internal dimmers of the DOMUS. Dimmers 5-8 are not converted (you have to add them manually, or remove them before the conversion).
  • All other dimmers are converted to a TDS13609 analog interface.

You might look if this is the right choice, maybe you can better use this opportunity to use some TDS13634 or TDS13644. Depending on your choice, a rewiring may be necessary. Once you cleaned up you will see in the file how many TDS13510 and what dimmer interfaces you need to install.

B. Inputs converted to DOMUS:

  • The first 20 internal inputs are converted to the 20 internal inputs of the DOMUS.
  • The 12 remaining inputs are converted to 3x TDS12134 Cookies, please check if you use these inputs, if you don’t use them, you can remove the Cookies.
  • The two internal analog inputs are converted to the internal analog inputs of the DOMUS

You can also replace the cookies with for example one TDS12117 (16 digital inputs).

2.2.2 Cleanup instructions in case you have a PALAS file

In case your file is converted to a PALAS everything from the internal MICROS+ outputs and inputs are converted to AUTOBUS interfaces.

A. Outputs converted to PALAS

  • The relays are converted to a maximum of 5x TDS13510. (Remark: in case you didn’t use the SUBD outputs the maximum is 3).
  • The dimmers are converted to a maximum of 2x TDS13609 (depending if you use the extension board of the old MICROS or the 8 on-board outputs of MICROS+).

You might look if this is the right choice, maybe you can better use this opportunity to use some TDS13634 or TDS13644. Depending on your choice, a rewiring may be necessary. Once you cleaned up you will see in the file how many TDS13510 and what dimmer interfaces you need to install.

B. Inputs converted to PALAS

  • The 32 inputs are converted to 2x TDS12117
  • The 2 analog inputs are converted to 2 x TDS12301 AD Cookie (if used).

If you don’t want to use the AD-Cookies, you can also use for example a TDS12311 (8 x analog input interface).

2.3. Make your bill of materials (BOM)

After completing the file conversion, proceed with placing your ‘order’. Consider both possible solutions and ensure to include the necessary power supplies.

Below is an example BOM featuring DOMUS:

  • 1x TDS10309 DOMUS
  • 1x TDS10134 Power supply
  • 3x TDS13510 Relay interface 8x16A
  • 1x TDS13609 Eight x analog output interface
  • 3x TDS12134 Cookie with four Voltage free contact input

Below is an example BOM featuring PALAS:

  • 1x TDS10300 PALAS
  • 2x TDS10134 Power supplies
  • 3x TDS13510 Relay interface 8x16A
  • 2x TDS13609 Eight x analog output interface
  • 2x TDS12117 16xVoltage free contact input interface
  • 2x TDS12301 AD-COOKIE with 1 Voltage free input and 1 analogue input

2.4. Installation in the distribution board

Only after converting your NBT file, you can start with the installation. If you need help with the conversion, don’t hesitate to call for help to your support team.

Once the new file is ready, you’ll be able to change the installation and transmit the converted file to the new central unit. The system is now operational. We highly recommend you to take a tour to check if everything is working as expected.

2.5. Licenses

As most of the installations are equipped with a iSGUI (mobile app) license, you will also need to activate the new ATMOS app on the new central unit. This is free of charge for four years after you obtained the iSGUI license.

2.6. Cloud connection

Because you started from your original file your cloud ID is still the same. To replace the central unit in the cloud please follow these steps to update the central unit in TTCloud by using PROSOFT 4:

  • Open the new (upgraded) NBT file and establish a connection with the new central unit.
  • Log in to PROSOFT with the appropriate credentials: the SI credentials for the TTcloud installation.
  • If it's your first-time connection to the new central unit, confirm that you are connecting to a new serial number. Ensure that you are connected to the correct central unit.
  • Click on the "Communication/Cloud setup" menu.
  • You'll be prompted to update the serial number(s) in the cloud.

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  • Once you agree, the installation in the cloud will be modified. Verify the changes on https://cloud.teletask.be.
  • Finally, (again) transmit the new NBT file to the central unit.

2.7 Finalize

From now on your system will be fully operational again, including the TTCloud connection.
If you need help with any step of the process, don’t hesitate to call for help to your support team. We’re happy to help.

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